Books on Ukraine and Russia

Steven McGuirl

As war tragically rages on in Ukraine, Library members will turn to books in our collection to find insight into the historical and contemporary context of the conflict. We present a generous list of (mostly) recent books in our collection on Ukraine, Putin’s Russia, Chernobyl, general Russian history, and 20th-21st – century U.S.-Russia relations to help orient readers seeking some understanding of the war. 

Overwhelmed? Check these thoughtful recommended reading lists: 

If you would like to read a book from one of the recommended reading lists that is not in our catalog, fill out a request slip or log in to our website and use the Suggest a Purchase form. 

The list of books below is just a small sampling of what is to be found in the stacks. Titles are linked to bibliographic records in our online catalog; remember to click the hyperlinked subject headings in bibliographic records to discover additional relevant books. And as many of our members can testify, look on the shelves next to the volume you went to fetch. The perfect book you didn’t know you were looking for may be right there.

For readers who prefer to head straight to the stacks, the 947 call number range in stack two is where you will find most (but not all) of the relevant books in our collection on Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe. 947 covers a lot of geographical and topical territory, and the call number is further subdivided to help browsers find what they are looking for. A couple of call numbers to keep in mind are 947.086, which covers the history of post-Soviet Russia (1992-) and 947.7, the classification for books on Ukraine.