Writer Services

For more information on services for member writers, please email writers@nysoclib.org.

Panel of Authors

Writing Groups

The Library hosts writing groups for members working in fiction, general non-fiction, poetry, children's & young adult, as well as a cross-genre group writing about New York City.

The Writing Life Daytime Talk Series

This popular monthly series features experts in the field discussing the craft of writing as well as practical information about the writing life in a small, intimate setting. Past subjects have included Mastering Social Media, Writing About NYC, How to Market a Book, Targeting & Querying a Literary Agent, Dealing with Permissions & Copyright, Plotting a Page Turner, Fitting in Writing, and How to Know When You're at The End.  

Topics are announced in the bi-weekly e-news. Suggestions for talks are welcome! Email writers@nysoclib.org.

Zibby Owens presenting a talk at the Library
Writing Workshop led by an instructor

Writing Workshops

Designed to appeal to a wide range of experience levels, our writing workshops offer members the chance to get back to fundamentals and focus on the essentials of good writing practice. Topics vary by season, but include the ever popular Prompt! sessions to get the creative juices flowing.

Special Events

Live from the Library! Twice a year, the Library opens up the Members' Room for a special evening program of readings from our very talented member writers. Members showcase their works in progress or recently published writing while enjoying wine and refreshments in the company of a supportive and encouraging audience. 

Celebration of Member Writers Each December, we hold a special reception celebrating member writers who have published books within the calendar year. Open to members and guests. The Corner Bookstore, our local indie bookseller, sells books.

Poet reading at Live from the Library
Marshall Room

Reference and Research Support

We recognize that writers have special reference and research needs. The Library has dedicated resources for the member writer community to assist with research, aid in the procurement of reference materials, and facilitate introductions to other writers, editors, publishing professionals, and contacts at area research libraries.